Thursday, September 23, 2010

Similarity - detect and eliminate duplicate music

Using Similarity to detect and eliminate duplicate music on your computer is really easy. Simply define the source folder, click the Start button and after several minutes you’ll have the list of duplicate music files right before your eyes. And believe me - the list will be much longer than you probably think! Similarity considers three factors when it checks if music files are duplicates. Similarity can compare music files basing on the sound content (regardless of the audio format of each file), on tags (ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2, WMA, Vorbis are supported), and on the precise analysis. Unlike the simple byte-by-byte comparison which is useless with media files, the acoustic fingerprint method utilized by Similarity provides utterly accurate results.

The advanced sound analysis implemented in

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Instant Heart Rate monitor for Android

Instant heart rate is a heart rate monitor for Android smartphones that uses the phones built in camera to measure your heart rate.
This application measures oxygen saturation changes in your blood. On every heart beat your blood becomes more oxygen rich which causes a slight change in the color of your skin; the camera in your phone tracks that change and calculates your heart rate. It works similar to a medical pulse oximeter but without a dedicated light source.

Press your left index finger gently over the camera. Hold it steady for at least 6 seconds. Your current heart rate will be shown on the display.
It's important that you use this application with good lightning. For best results turn the back of your mobile towards the sun or a lamp.

To try it go to Androd Market on you mobile and search for "Instant Heart Rate"

This application is been made as a part of a study of using sensors built into mobile phones for measuring biological signals.  Check it out... it's FREE!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Android keeps getting Bigger!

A new report from Gartner Research claims that Google's Android operating system will grow rapidly in the remaining months of 2010, passing both Apple and RIM.

If you don't follow the smartphone world closely, Nokia is still number one worldwide. While their phones are offered by Canadian carriers, the market in other nations over seas encourages users to buy unlocked phones - often Nokia handsets.
In late 2009, Android had only 3.9% of the market - Apple had three times more. Google is expected to hit about 17.7%, which will cobbler Apple's iOS, and just edge out Blackberry. While iOS is still growing, Blackberry has been falling. The dismal response to the Blackberry Torch isn't helping.
That would leave Android behind only Symbian found on Nokia phones, which tend to be the least smart of the smartphones.  And coming soon... new Windows mobile phones.
The single down side to Android's rapid growth is turning out to be the number of devices.  With so many phones, all with different hardware and screen resolutions etc., how quickly are updates going to get rolled out?  My HTC Legend which is great is out of stock all over and new phones keep coming; I'm thinking the manufacturers are going to forfeit updates to sell newer versions of different phones.  

With so many different updates for so many phones the consumer is set to get screwed again.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Gibson Bus

Spotted DT Edmonton pre Canadian Country Music Awards:

Links that were once!!!

Just searching Google for some tech toys... the top links
all to cnet pages that have moved or don't exist
CBS has invaded C-Net... and the decline is on.

Tom Merritt moved on to the cottage, and I think
the info from there is a little bit cleaner too.

AND totally unrelated

New to the Android App Market